Customer Service is dead. Long live Customer Experience!
On an average, people interact more with businesses as compared to their friends, these days. That’s it – right there!
Yes, businesses now have the opportunity to get closer than ever to their customers, to become their friends, or at least much more than customer service agents.
This is where creating true customer experience (CX) memories come in to the frame, memories in the form of awe-inspiring experiences for customers to remember, and ultimately resulting in deep admiration for any brand.
Achieve CX Excellence with CX Memories
To understand the ‘how’, you have to get one thing straight – start looking at customer experience goals from customers’ standpoint, and not a business point of view. Moreover, we have to be fully aware that creating CX memories is a continuous process, and brands’ work doesn’t cease to exist after creating an awesome memory. In fact, CX memories are all about moving forward from one great customer experience to another.
To gain customers’ admiration, you have to traverse several ‘extra miles’, and craft great customer experience memories. This holds paramount importance, especially if your customer is irate, or infuriated with your services.
This is exactly what some companies have been able to attain, of late. Leading cab service company – Ola Cabs has an ideal example of CX memory up their sleeve. Cabs usually get a lot of bashing from customers for delayed pick up, bad behaviour from drivers, and cab cancellation issues.To take all of this in and turn into something positive requires immense dedication and persistence. Surely, Ola has been able to pull of this feat.
This started when a company CEO faced tremendous issues while booking a cab at Ola, for his daughter, who needed to be at a friend’s birthday party. Eventually, his daughter missed the party. Therefore, the CEO posted a stinker tweet against Ola, to which Ola promptly offered to help by asking for the CRN number of the cab booking, and promising to set things right. However, the CEO was adamant to escalate the issue with another tweet – “Now you can’t do any damage control, had awful experience”. Moreover, he had also sworn to write a detailed review about his bad experience in the first tweet.
At this time, most companies would try to escape the issue, and try to dump it, but Ola decided to actually sort everything, for the better. And boy, they did manage to create an awesome CX memory! Ola wrote a letter addressing the CEO’s kid, saying sorry pretty courteously, along with sending a cake for her, and adding some credit to her mother’s Ola account. This gesture brought a smile to the kid’s face, and so the CEO drop the idea of posting a detailed bad review about Ola.
See, that is how high a brand should aim in order to create awesome CX memories.
And, this is a not a solitary story that truly depicts how truly inspiring CX memories are crafted. The only thing that matters here is the genuine intent to make ‘customers the king’ of any and every business process.
A number of other brands have also picked up the cue that they need to move beyond customer service KPIs, that are prevalent for years now. The focus for businesses is to create an engaging and enriching customer experience.
CX Memories – A Void That Demands to Be Filled!
Nevertheless, a lot needs to be done to accomplish awesome CX memories, and a recent EY study has proof of this fact. Over 80% of the CXOs interviewed in an EY study believed that CX in India is worse than the rest of the world. More than 80% of the respondents also felt that once they receive any adverse feedback from customers, they act within a predetermined time limit.
Yes, that is one indisputable issue that all brands need to attend to – to provide awesome customer experience, without and before the customers ask for it. This is where proactive customer service plays an all-powerful role.
E-commerce giant Amazon is perhaps the best example to portray that proactive CX is the way forward. They have been offering flexible return policies and faster delivery services, apart from rolling out online to offline strategies to improve CX.
Airbnb is doing a similar exemplary job in the travel industry, by letting customers experience new places just like locals do, and making the entire CX seem much more than a normal holiday. Airbnb offers pretty unique properties for rent, and that too in some of the world’s most spectacular locations. Customers’ emotions surely get stirred, when they visit the website. This is how they have managed to outclass major competition in the travel and tourism sector, by excelling in creating overwhelming CX memories.
The bottom line is loud and clear – think like a customer to understand their needs, become their friend, and ultimately garner their admiration.