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How to Deploy Customer Service Empathy to Fix Their Spirit


Have you heard that famous ‘Coldplay’ song – Fix You? You probably have. What makes that song so spectacular and leaves a lasting impression? Is it the tune, the piano, the drums, the beats? What is it? Well, it is all of it, but the lyrics! Oh my God! The lyrics are just too good to be true. It is one song you can listen to when you are happy and when you are not.
But, what makes it a forever song? It’s touch. The empathy it has for the listener. It tells you how everything is not great, I know. I have felt it. It tells you how I will fix it, fix you. You see, that’s empathy.
There is no call center where all the customers who call in are happy and always satisfied. In such scenarios, to repeatedly apologise to customers for some inconvenience sometimes become monotonous. However, to actually understand how it feels to be in their shoes is being empathetic. Hence showing compassion and practicing customer service empathy is of utmost importance, if you want to ‘fix’ your customer’s day and mood.
But why empathise?
Many research studies have shown that the best customer service has a real, measurable impact on customers’ emotional satisfaction. It is actually their emotional satisfaction which rules lower attrition and higher spend rates than other, less satisfied customers.
So, what makes them emotionally happy? What triggers or acts as a catalyst to help them achieve a feeling that they received the best quality of customer service? This is a complicated question…with a simple answer. Treating your customers like ‘people with actual feelings’ and being your professional best can usually take care of this for you.
As statistics say – 87 % of customers who have had positive, emotionally-charged interactions, were the returning customers and often spend more. Customer service empathy can make you a star performer among the whole lot of call center reps, who often talk in scripted tones and fail to build an emotional connection with customers.
Here’s how and what you should be saying to them to excel at customer service empathy.

  1.    I can understand how upset you are

When you show that you understand how upset your customer is, you are empathising with him and are willing to walk an extra mile to help him sort out their troubles.

  1.      I’m so sorry to see that you are in this situation

Apologise for the inconvenience caused. Make it sound like you really mean it. A scripted apology won’t do any good, and could harm your rapport with your customer. A sincere apology is what he is looking for.

  1.      Let me quickly sort out this for you

There will be situations where you can provide immediate assistance to the customer. Do it. There will be times when you won’t be able to solve his query immediately. This is when you should make them understand that there’s a process you need to follow, and you will do everything you can to ease his discomfort.

  1.      Use lots of positive, affirmative words – Definitely, Absolutely, Fantastic, Sure, Great, Good, Terrific, Gladly, everything nice you can find in a dictionary!

If you make this a habit, half your calls will turn out to be appreciation mails! Doesn’t need more explanation, does it?

  1.      I assure you…

There could have been a technical glitch which you can fix or a communication gap which have been taken care of now. All you need to do now is assure a customer. Try using statements to make them calm down and understand your point.

  1.      Use verbal softeners – Perhaps, Maybe, Sometimes, Could be, I can try, Possibly etc.

There will be customers who will not really react well to categorical words like a direct ‘NO’ or ‘Always’. Therefore, you should use a tone of voice which is politically correct and subtle. Instead of denying a service straight away, use words such as ‘maybe’ or tell them you can try but cannot promise anything. Why? Cause, never make promises you can’t keep!

  1.      Thank you for your patience

Never forget to thank them for their patience while you resolved their query and took care of their issue. They should feel valued and important at all times. This also expresses professionalism, which is highly recommended to achieve great customer service empathy.
We hope this can lead to happy and returning customers for your contact center. If you have more points to add, please let us know in the comments section.

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