Working in customer service can be quite the tricky task. You always come across new people and every single one of them usually has a different request and you will have to be able to help them all effectively. Many of them might not be calm or might truly not understand your points and those are just some of the cases where mistakes start to happen.
At the end of the day, no matter how good your company’s products are, it usually all comes down to how good your communication skills are as well. So, in order to make establish good communication with your customers, here are some of the most common mistakes of resolving critical issue support tickets and how to solve them.
Not training your staff properly
One of the most common mistakes many companies make is not taking the time to properly
train their employees in order to be able to handle all different types of situations and people. In most cases, it is not even a matter of not knowing enough about the products or their services; it is usually a problem of communication and manners.
Customers will not enjoy talking to someone who sounds or comes across as disrespectful. No matter their own behavior, they will easily leave you a bad review or saying about your poor customer service if they are not treated with enough patience and interest. They are paying you to offer them a service and they expect you to be nothing but professional.
If you wish to avoid this simple mistake, make sure that you keep a close eye to your staff and take the time to train them all properly. Make sure they know everything about the products or services that you provide and that they can correctly remember and pass on the right information when they come across your customers.
Keeping poor track of your customers
An important point in running a business is making sure that your customers feel close to you and comfortable when they contact you. Every customer wants to feel like you remember them whenever they contact you and they would be a lot more comfortable if you got their information correct every time.
Keeping poor rack of your customers and answering with consistently misspelled names and other similar mistakes can truly make you look unprofessional in their eyes. Make sure that you always double check the records that you keep and that you allow your customers to feel comfortable and return to use your services again and again. You can even use the help of a citation machine in order for you to make sure that you have all the information you need organized.
It is important that your staff apologizes when making such a mistake in order to make the customer feel welcome. This will help you establish better communication with your clients and also help you earn their trust since you are addressing them properly.
Knowing how to reply
A mistake many companies make when it comes to the communication with their customers is replying to them with completely impersonal and strictly professional emails or in some cases not even replying to them at all. Since emails are already a little impersonal by themselves, you need to reply to your customers’ requests and complaints in a way that allows them to see that you take the time to answer to each and every one of them individually.
Make sure that you always reply to your customers and let them know that you take their complaints into consideration. There is no better way for you to keep a customer other than
replying to them on time and letting them know their thoughts are taken seriously. The more effort you put into replying to them and not hoping that they’ll forget about their complaints, the more loyal customers you will gain.
Mistakes happen on a regular basis
Every company makes mistakes. Mistakes are the best way to learn and to make progress in your sector and you will need to understand that they will be a part of your development. The problem starts when these mistakes start to affect your company’s relationship with your customers and makes you look unprofessional and uninterested.
The best way to resolve such issues is to pay a lot of attention to training your staff properly and making sure than everyone that works with or for you has adequate knowledge on the company’s products and beliefs. It is crucial that all your stuff is on board with the company’s beliefs in order for your customers to receive the same kind of treatment every single time.
Overcoming mistakes that happen when resolving critical issue support tickets can be quite easy to deal with, but you will have to put in a lot of patience and effort in order to show your customers that resolving their opinions and complaints will always remain your company’s top priority.
Author’s Bio: Chris Mercer is professional writer and passionate blogger with over 3 years of experience.