Social Media Monitoring-Basics


A common social media issue for companies around the world is: if one of my customer posts something that requires immediate corporate response on Facebook, Twitter or any other social network, will the message even be heard, or will it be buried in the overwhelming amount of posts online? Many companies face this issue and the lack of real-time visibility in social media interactions is a blind-spot in customer experience.

As the immense amount of social posts increase daily, contact centers need a social monitoring and analytical tool to listen, respond and report the social interactions of their customers. Lack of proper social media monitoring will result in unresponsive customer service, increasing rate in customer churn and the spread of negative word of mouth. And there is no other media like social media that can reach a mass population at such a pace.

Recent surveys report:

  • 71% of online complaints are due to traditional service delivery failures

  • 82% of customers are more likely to cease spending money for a company that they have had negative experience with


If you fail to pay attention to customers on social media, you are delivering an incomplete customer experience. This will result in frustrating your customers, and frustrated customers will not wait for a second try, they would take their business elsewhere. As a result, your customers will go to your competitors if you are not meeting them at this critical digital channel. But with so many customers to look after, and the immense amount of their social posts makes it difficult for companies to filter out the non-relevant interactions from mission-critical posts that requires immediate action. For this purpose, most companies use leverage on social media monitoring tools to listen and respond, but many companies use manual tools that makes it a tedious and inaccurate task since they lack sophisticated analytical capabilities that are required. Due to this, 86% of customer feedback or posts are missed.

Latest social monitoring tools are equipped with advanced analytical functionalities that are capable of understanding the intent of customers. Understanding customer intent is critical in gaining customer insights that will facilitate in responding to the customer, identifying the core issue and optimizing social channels.