What Makes WebRTC market among the Best in this Decade? [Infographic]


The almost endless pursuit to bring customers closer to brands has made the world come up with numerous distinctive technological advancements. However, one of them, namely – WebRTC, stands tall among the crowd.

An increasing number of players in the market have already initiated the process of adding WebRTC support to their products, services, and solutions.

For the uninitiated, Web Real Time Communication is an API (Application Programming Interface), which supports browser-to-browser application for voice calling, video chat, and file sharing – all without the use of internal or external plugins.

Can you foresee where the world is getting at? Yes, a world where customer service is no longer restricted to the phone, and a world where great customer experience is the word of the day.

But what is it about WebRTC that has made it possible to make it among the best technological innovations of this decade?

We have just the right Infographic from Oxagile to explain the state of WebRTC market in the end of 2015. The Infographic also explains the ecosystem, business models, use cases, and M&A’s that revolves around WebRTC.201512-WebRTC-infographic