Why Startups can’t escape a Mobile-Focused Strategy Anymore [Infographic]


Have you ever reflected on what your daily life was some years back?

I guess you don’t have to reflect deeply to comprehend that the mobile or smartphone has taken over all other mediums as the primary channel of communication. And I am not only indicating towards interpersonal communications, but necessarily at interactions between brands and customers.

With the ascendancy of apps, chat, instant messaging, in-app customer support, the significance and influence of mobile has increased manifold, over the past 5 years. So much so, that people can hardly function without mobile.

This is why it is a pressing need for startups to focus on mobile as the primary channel for interaction with customers.

Now, I know any argument is just another random statement without the compelling facts and statistics. So, here is an Infographic from appboy that elucidates the burgeoning need for startups to have a mobile-focused marketing strategy.

